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Explore a World of Wildlife Wonders: Visit Our Event Calendar

Upcoming Events & Activities

Explore Zoo Veldhoven Flora And Fauna. Engage in hands-on activities and learn about the diverse flora and fauna.

Understanding Wildlife Habits and Habitats

Sep 10, 2026

Animal Feeding Techniques

Nov 22, 2026

Bird Watching Essentials

Jan 15, 2027

Guest Experiences: Zoo Veldhoven Flora And Fauna

Visitors delight in the zoo’s diverse flora and fauna, enriching their visit by feeding the animals themselves.

Embark on an engaging exploration of wildlife and enrich your understanding.

Ashley Davis

Animal Enthusiast

Zoo Veldhoven Flora And Fauna – a gateway to nature’s wonders!

Robert Wilson

Nature Photographer

A must-visit for wildlife enthusiasts and curious minds.

Megan Anderson

Wildlife Explorer